
The Matrix

Isn’t it amazing how most of our lives here are governed by the very machines that were created to serve us? Our daily schedule revolves around the latest episode of whatever-the-hell, some movie, last slot in a DoTA game and countless other things that stem from the very necessary evil that are our computers.

This cannot be put off as just a ‘hostel-phenomenon’. At other places the idiot box promptly takes up this responsibility. I have seen countless families whose breakfast, lunch, dinner, work, cooking, kids playtime, evening walks, you-name-it are arranged so as to fit into the little gaps between the mind-numbingly dull and drawn-out monstrosities that are called serials. The only advantage of such an arrangement being the time-tables are fixed for a good 4-5 years thanks to the absurd lengths of series these days!

The only solution I can think of (note that I don’t dare say implement!) is to revert to the habit (assuming we had it in the first place) of reading books, solving a crossword with a dictionary by your side, tackling sudokus, kakuros and the like instead of reaching out for the remote or the mouse. For all we know, you might be The One.

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